8th Day of Giftmas - Terrarium Grab Bag

Today's item... Terarrium Grab Bag, by The Zen Succulent (IG: @thezensucculent)
Cost: $20
Where's it at? Online or at 125 E Parrish Street, Suite 100 A, Durham NC

If you're stuck in an office, or just need to dress up your home, pick out the right container, and then get the Terrarium Grab Bag from the Zen Succulent. Do the arranging yourself, or if you're just too lazy to move plants and rocks around, go pick out a just-as-cool pre-made one.

For the 12 Days of Christmas, we'll be highlighting twelve products from other artists — six from Raleigh/Durham, six from Chicago — that we wish we had gotten for Christmas. We'll even tell you where to get it, in case Grandma sent you $$CASH$$!!